Machine Learning And Large Scale Data Analysis

Graduate/Undergraduate Stats/CS Course, University of Chicago, Department of Computer Science, 2019

In 2019, I TA’d for Machine Learning and Large Scale Data Analysis, taught by Yali Amit. I wrote supplementary material, available here, and conducted weekly lab sessions. Thank you to all the students who mentioned me in their anonymous reviews.


  • “Benjamin is very knowledgeable and is good at explaining concepts. He was friendly, professional, respectful and mature. He made himself available, showed up consistently on time, and prepared helpful and easy-to-follow mini-lectures for the lab sessions. He was the TA I felt most comfortable working with and the one I learned the most from.”
  • “Benjamin killeen was the most knowledgeable TA. He answered a lot of questions very well and always came well prepared to office hours.”
  • “Ben was incredibly patient during office hours and always responsive to student questions. In addition, he often presented demos during office hours or showed easier ways to handle the homework assignments; both were very helpful.”
  • “Benjamin: explained in detail what was actually going on behind the scenes in the processes we learned.”
  • “Ben was very helpful during office hours/lab. He had a strong grasp both on the principles of machine learning and efficient Python techniques, and he was able to offer clear guidance on addressing specific problems.”
  • “Coding part. His coding was fantastic. I learn a lot from him how to code.”