About Me

~~~ On the faculty job market! ~~~

A fifth-year Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins University, I am interested in the future of AI- and robot-assisted interventional healthcare. My recent work advances physics- and learning-based simulations – from single image formation to room-scale environments – as the basis for intelligent assistance systems and immersive educational experiences. I am a member of the Advanced Robotics and Computationally Augmented Environments (ARCADE) research group, led by Mathias Unberath, and the Computation Interaction and Robotics Laboratory (CIRL) led by Greg Hager. In 2023, I received the Link Foundation Fellowship in Modeling, Simulation, and Training, which supports my work preparing clinicians for the future operating room using interactive digital twins. In 2019, I earned a B.A. in Computer Science with Honors from the University of Chicago, with a minor in Physics. Outside of academia, I have interned with IBM Research - Almaden, Epic Systems, and Intuitive Surgical.

I have published numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers in international venues, including IPCAI, MICCAI, CVPR, and Nature Machine Intelligence. For a full list of papers, awards, and press, please refer to my CV.

Throughout my efforts, I strive to foster an inclusive environment for all. I have served as the President of the LCSR Graduate Student Association (GSA) and in multiple roles on the MICCAI Student Board. I regularly volunteer my department, university, and local community. As a member of ARCADE lab, I have directly mentored the research of more than 20 graduate and undergraduate students, many of whom have since matriculated into Ph.D. programs. If you are interested in working with me, please reach out with the requested information. I look forward to hearing from you!

In my spare time, I enjoy running, bouldering, and creative writing. I am an avid fan of art museums and espresso, especially together.